for MDK-ARM users

New version 5.20 of Microcontroller Development Kit for ARM cores cores introduced to the market new software package MDK-PLUS and new functions in MDK-Professional package. MDK-Plus has replaced currently offered standard MDK-ARM package expanding it with very useful middleware: TCP/IPv4, USB Device, Flash File System, GUI. From functionality and pricing point of view MDK-PLUS is placed between basic MDK-Cortex-M package and full MDK-Professional that in announced version includes extended set of libraries and models.  

till Q1/2017 !!!

Users of MDK-Cortex-M package with valid S&M contract can buy an upgrade to MDK-PLUS
including 1-year S&M only for the difference of these packages prices - without a need to
extend S&M coverage of owned package to the full year

Thanks to presented here promotion, you can get access to MDK-PLUS skipping future higher expenses. We present below cost comparison. Please take our proposal into consideration.

You are welcome.

Click below on the table to magnify!

Click below on the table to magnify!